Friday, January 18, 2013

Confession Friday: Never Been to a Wedding. Never Been to a Funeral

The other day we drove out to Hendersonville to look at a house. After, we decided we had to stop by Johnny Cash and June Carter's graves. I took a few pictures but it was cold and dark so they aren't very good. Maybe I'll post them after I upload them to the computer and take a look.

Anyhow, back to the point. After we got back, I realized I'd never been to a funeral.

I know a few people that have passed away. Most importantly, my grandma. She is really the only family I ever had (besides my parents and little bro). She died when I was young, five or six. There was a lot of drama around her being cremated and buried. She ended up being taken back to Michigan, where she was originally from. My mom didn't get to go to the funeral, and obviously neither did I. When we started our cross-country trip I wanted to go to Michigan to try to find her grave, we never made it up there but I do hope to someday find it!

The only person in the world that has EVER been aloud to call me Jenny also passed away. She died a few years ago and the details surrounding her death are pretty heartbreaking. She was a good person who just made some bad choices. She is the reason I am married to Rob, if I hadn't known her I would have never met him. I didn't find out about her death until after her funeral. I don't know that I would have gone, we hadn't spoke in a few years, but maybe I would have, if I had known about it.

Honestly, I am thankful that I have never been to a funeral and only know a handful of people that have died! I am lucky that most of the people that I know and love are happy and healthy! I hope everyone keeps it that way for A LONG, LONG time!!!

As for weddings...the only one I've been to is my own, and boy was that a depressing one. Rob and I sort of had a rushed relationship. We met, fell in love, and got married within a few months and right before he left for Navy boot camp. I was 19 when we got married. Before meeting him I'd never thought about getting married. I wasn't the girl that dreamed my whole life about my wedding, I had no desire to ever get married or have kids...until I met Robert. So, I didn't put much thought into our quickie wedding and Rob said he "didn't want to dress up", so we didn't. I find our wedding photos quiet embarrassing so don't count on ever seeing one here...or in my house...or really anywhere. So, my "casual", quick Vegas wedding doesn't count as a real wedding. And, the "chapel" we were married at doesn't even exist anymore, it was bulldozed to build a new casino. Which further emphasizes the fact that we didn't have a "real" wedding.

I know a few married people. Most were either married before I knew them. Some were married during a period where we weren't close or didn't talk. I don't know a whole bunch of single people. The ones that are single will probably not be getting married anytime soon and if they do I suspect there won't be any fancy shenanigans going on. I guess my only hope of going to be a real wedding will be when my children are adults and get married. I will make darn sure these girls have AMAZING weddings!!!


  1. I've never really thought about it until you posted it. I have been to one funeral. My grandpa's. I have known others who have passed away but I only went to their wakes. I didn't find it depressing or anything. It was just a time to gather with family and friends and celebrate the life of the person we love. Weddings were always a huge thing when I lived back East and was in my 20s, everyone planned stellar weddings, but I went to several small ones too. My parents were married in Vegas in a little chapel that is no longer there either. I married my husband outside of Vegas in the Valley of Fire state park. We had close friends and family. Probably no more than 25 people. It was outdoors and just what we loved. We liked that we could have as many or as few people that we wanted. It was small but it was amazing. It was also fun walking around the casino in my wedding gown. :) I am sure your beauties will have wonderful weddings. :) Have a beautiful weekend.

    1. I think the only regret I really have about my Vegas wedding is that I didn't wear a wedding dress. I think I would be a lot less embarrassed by your quickie wedding if we would have at least dressed like it was a wedding! Our families were there and we had a party at home before going to Vegas, so I guess it wasn't that bad. I just wish I had a wedding dress.


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