Sunday, January 20, 2013

Johnny Cash Grave

Last week we went to look at a house in Hendersonville. It was a decent place but I'm not sure that I will work for our family. It's a townhouse and I have loud, rambunctious children. Another problem is there's no yard for our dogs. So, we'll keep looking but it's still on our list, if we can't find something more suitable to us.

After looking at the house we went to see Johnny Cash and June Carter's grave sites. We tried to leave time to see the graves but it got dark faster than we expected. We were still able to find the graves but since it was dark my picture quality is horrendous. I promise we will go back and take some decent pictures (since my camera isn't great and is incapable of taking a great photo!).

The girls didn't know who Johnny Cash was. So, Rob and I serenaded the girls in our most amazing (ha, not!) voices. They said they never heard the songs we were singing. I guess we'll have to buy some old Johnny Cash records and blast them day and night once we get a house!!!

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