Friday, April 5, 2013

This Week: Easter and Kentucky

The girls and I spent Easter alone in the RV. Rob had to work, it is the first major holiday he has missed. He was here for dinner but he wasn't here for basket discovery. We dyed eggs the night before so he could do that with us. We didn't do our traditional Easter egg hunt because there was nowhere to hide any eggs. The girls took turns hiding plastic eggs around the RV for each other to find. It was a weird day, I felt sad that we didn't have family around and it really just seemed like a normal day. This was our fourth major holiday in the RV. We had an amazing Halloween in Texas, a beautiful Thanksgiving in Tennessee and a small Christmas in Alabama. I guess without Rob around to steal everyones candy and yell at the kids it just didn't feel as fun as it usually does! Oh well. The girls loved their Easter baskets and they got to visit with their Papa Mike the day before Easter so it was a good day, just different!
The contents of C's bucket from Papa Mike, after she already ate a bunch

Easter Morning

While we were out house hunting on Monday and Tuesday we decided to drive up to Kentucky. We hadn't been up that way since we got here and I wanted to see what Kentucky looked like. It was a little more than an hour drive from Nashville up to the Kentucky line. We weren't in Kentucky very long at all. We got gas and saw a sign for the Jefferson Davis State Historic Site and decided to check it out. It was closed when we got there but I did get a few pictures of the monument.

We also made a stop at Montgomery Bell State Park, which is where we stayed when we first got to Tennessee. We spent Thanksgiving there and had an amazing time (minus G getting a tick stuck in her head, that freaked me out!). That state park is what made us fall in love with Tennessee. I told the girls to wear jackets and of course they didn't so when we stopped to play they were all freezing, well, all of them except G and C was just so happy to be out of the car, she loves running around and exploring!

I also learned that reality TV has ruined me. It has made me a crazy person. While driving to the monument we saw a horse and buggy outside of a Dollar General. I thought it was fake, we were in an older, historic-looking neighborhood so I assumed it was some piece of the town's history. The girls noticed the horse moving and I realized it was an Amish buggy. The weirdo in me took over and I wanted to take pictures of it, I wanted to follow whoever was in it around like a creep. I don't know why I was so fascinated, but I was. I guess their lifestyle is so different than mine that it makes me curious! We also saw a warning sign to watch for buggies, that made me happy and I took a picture of that. As we drove to the monument I looked at every house trying to decide if any Amish families lived in the houses. I did spot one house, clothes out on the line and bikes in the garage. On the way back from the monument we saw a different horse and buggy in that house's driveway. I also wanted to stalk the "Duck Dynasty" people when we were in Louisiana, but we didn't have a chance. I will make it back there someday to take pictures of their warehouse. I know a few people that have also stalked them, so I figure it's not too weird and creepy, right?

We drove back home and decided the Clarksville area was too far from Rob's work. The areas we looked in were nice and the homes were cheaper than down here but not buy enough to offset the cost of gas that it would take for him to drive so far. After we got back, I looked up some more houses there, just in case and I found that hardly any properties in Clarksville allowed pets so it wouldn't work out for us there anyway.


  1. In 2005, my husband and I sold everything we had, bought a van, loaded it up (with the cat) and headed 3,100 miles south. We returned 3 years later.

    In 2009, we had "The Litter" (triplets) and since they were 10 months old (three years now), we've been wintering for 4 months in Mexico.

    In a few years, the plan is to pack up and head south once again. Hopefully for more than three years.

    I think it's so great what you're doing. Everyone says "I wish that I could do that...". My response, "You can!". As I'm sure you're aware, there are many sacrifices but so many things gained.

    Thanks for following me back on BlogLovin. I'd love it if you added yourself to my new Weekly BlogLovin Linky (

    I look forward to following your Journey.

    Besos, Sarah
    Blogger at Journeys of The Zoo
    Finding Humour in Everyday Life
    journeysofthezoo at hotmail dot com

    1. I would love to winter in Mexico, that sounds amazing!! It has been a bumpy but amazing road and I hate to see it end. There are so many things we still want to see and do but I figure we will visit all the places on our list, even if it isn't all during this RV trip!! Thanks for visiting!


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