Tuesday, April 9, 2013

New Name...Still the Same

Ramblings by Jen Marie is now Jen Loves Life. The new website address is http://www.jenloveslife.com. I will keep rambling on about nothing and everything but I wasn't a big fan of the old name.

I have wanted to change the name of my blog for a while now. I started thinking about it shortly after choosing the old name. I always thought the old name was too long and I figured now is as good of a time as any to change it, especially since my blog is only a few months old.

I like the new name much more than the old. It's shorter and easier to remember. It also helps me remember to be happy. I have a tendency to get down about everything instead of focusing on the positive and looking at the new title everyday will remind me that I do love life, even when it doesn't go as perfectly as I want it to.

I also changed up the colors on the blog. I really like playing around and trying to figure out how to make the blog look good. I hope to take some graphic design courses so I can become better at it and hopefully soon I will have some software to mess around with since right now I'm just using the Paint program on my (well, Rob's because mine is still broken) computer.

I'm also hoping to get a new camera so my pictures will start to look better. I am planning on buying a DSLR camera soon. I'm not sure what to get yet. I'd like to get something with all the bells and whistles and hoopla but I don't think my budget will allow for that and since I have no clue how to use a DSLR I just need something to learn on. So, what do you all use? What is your favorite brand? What should I get to start out? Any help is tremendously appreciated!!


  1. Rollin with the Fruit PunchesApril 9, 2013 at 7:46 PM

    Congratulations! we've nominated you for a Liebster Award!

  2. I totally love it!! Nice choice of name and design!! SO excited to continue hearing the ramblings .

    1. Thanks! I am trying hard to stay positive. It feels easier to do that if I have to look at that name all the time :)

  3. Congratulations! I nominated your blog for a Liebster! (Though I see I'm not the only one!)




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