Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Little Letters Linkup

Today I am participating in The Freckled Fox Little Letters Linkup. I love this idea of writing short notes about the week.

Dear Cadburry Creme Eggs: Thank you for being so delicious. You are solely responsible for making me love springtime (maybe not solely, but you do help). You may be also responsible for a few of my cavities.

Dear Nashville Weather: Please make up your mind, is it going to be freezing outside or warm? I can't take your indecisiveness any longer!

Dear Little Red: I know you think you are Mickey Mouse but you are really just a two year old girl. Sorry to break your heart. Please don't eat me out of anger.

Dear RV: A six gallon hot water tank does not provide enough warmth to take an adequate shower. No one could ever be Zest fully clean in the four minutes of warm water you provide.

Dear Avocados from Mexico: Who would have ever guessed that you would be almost as tasty as my mom's home grown avocados? I will miss my FREE avocados but you are working to satisfy my craving. Thank you.

Dear Life: I know I have been saying I hate you a lot lately, but I am going to work hard on being more positive. You have been tough on me for as long as I can remember but you have also given me many great times. So, today, I LOVE YOU, LIFE!!


  1. I love the idea of just picking up and going--- living life from a winnebago and seeing it all! (Although, I'm sorry to hear about the circumstances leading you to this.) I found you on the Tuesday Blog Hop, am now following along and can't wait to read more from you...
    Hope you'll stop by to say hi sometime .

    1. Most of the time it is super fun but sometimes it does feel like these tiny walls are closing in on me! Thanks for stopping by. I will be heading your way now. :)

  2. This is a great idea! And I love your little letters;)

    1. Thanks! Trying to be more fun and light since this week has been kicking my butt :)

  3. Texas weather has been confusing as well! Well, it is always confusing LOL Looking forward to the Gulf coast this weekend.

    1. We spent a few weeks in Texas during October and November and the weather was interesting. I thought the humidity might be the death of me!! I did love Texas though! My favorite part was when we went to the Padre Island National Seashore for a few days. It was humid as heck but still so much fun.

  4. hey there. I've nominated for you for The Liebster Award. So check for a post about it. :D have a great weekend.

  5. awww....avocados and I are finally learning to be friends. Glad the ones you have now are still yummy. Found you via lots of love linkup!

    1. I have learned that my husband is a better store avocado picker than I am. I have had terrible luck buying avocados at the store, he has been picking them lately and they've been delicious. He hates avocados but for some reason he can pick out the good ones! :) Thanks for visiting.


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