Wednesday, March 20, 2013

I miss you, Louisiana!

This will ALWAYS be the best sign I've ever seen in my life! Saw this all over Ville Platte, LA

I couldn't sleep last night and I was thinking about Louisiana. I don't know why, but I was. I was thinking about how much I loved that state. I don't think I could ever live there but I loved the time we spent there and I would definitely go back. We had a lot of fun there and all the people were so nice.

I think my favorite part of Louisiana though is the way everyone talks. I love the accents there, and the farther South you go the stronger the accent is. I really think Louisianans have the best accent in the country! We were at Walmart picking up RV supplies and the woman working the register was so friendly and she spent a lot of time talking to us. The best part was we couldn't understand a word she said, we just kind of nodded with her and laughed when she did. I could have stood there listening to her talk forever though. We went to a fast food drive-thru and Rob was ordering, the woman at the drive-thru repeated his order and he couldn't understand a word the woman was saying, he responded to her with "huh?" I laughed really hard because I could actually make out what she was saying.

At our campground the little kids all had the same super awesome acent. I wanted to stay in Louisiana long enough for C to pick up the accent because I love it so much! After awhile in Louisiana I started to wonder if everyone thought we talked funny.  I obviously don't think anyone I know sounds weird or has an accent but that's because everyone I know sounds the same as me. I bet they did think we talked funny. Maybe they were as fascinated with the way we talked as I was with the way they spoke. I doubt it but I can dream right!

I also had to Google everything. Nothing is pronounced the way it seems it should be in Louisiana. We stayed at Chicot State Park, the T is not pronounced, in Chicot. I also had to learn how to pronounce many cities, including the city the state park was located in. I had to Google how to pronounce a lot of food items in Louisiana, including boudin and pralines. While in Louisiana we didn't try any of the local food (which offended the guy that owned the tire shop where we had to buy a new RV tire), but I did try pralines when we went to New Orleans and they were delicious, I wish I had some of that tasty candy right now!! Maybe I'll learn to make it...someday!

We also wanted to see the "Duck Dynasty" warehouse but we ran out of time to be stalker fans. I guess it's better that way, if my children would have seen any of the "Duck Dynasty" guys (or gals) they would have gone nuts, we all LOVE That show!

This guy was hanging out at the state park we camped in
State park fun
Near our campsite
it was a long night!


  1. I could have used that pants sign when I was teaching high school! Too funny.

    1. I can only imagine!! I've never understood how anyone could think it's cool to have their underwear hanging out!

  2. I have got to figure out how to shorten my readers list so I can comment folks and read folks who read me and all as well. Love the pics.

    1. Thanks! I know what you mean about the reader list, I have a lot of blogs I love and some of my favorites get lost because I follow so many!

  3. You make me want to put my stuff in storage, sell my house and buy an RV. Then I remember I'd have to live in that RV with none of my stuff and with my kids;) Haha!

    1. Ha, ha! The other day I was talking to my husband about how I want to write about the "real life" of life in an RV. I was planning a post soon but now my computer is broken and I hate using my husband's so I guess that will have to wait. I read a lot of blogs about people living in RVs and traveling before we did this and they always made it sound so much fun but it isn't always awesome! I really miss my clothes!! :)

  4. i totally would have gone to see the warehouse. that would be awesome.

    1. I wish we would have done it but we were short on time and it was out of our way. We were going to try on our way out of Louisiana but towing a big travel trailer makes it hard to maneuver on streets. I know a few people that have gone and taken photos outside the warehouse!!


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