Friday, March 22, 2013

A part of me has died

 I won't be posting much the next few days (or weeks, not sure how long) because my computer decided to hate me and stop working! We are working on fixing it, my husband and a friend (who's all the way back in California) are trying to figure out what's wrong. Hopefully we can fix it on our own without having to take it in and pay someone to do it!!

The last few weeks the computer has been randomly shutting off and refusing to turn back on. When it does this I try everything to get it back on, I push the power button a million times, take out the power cord and try turning it on without the power plugged in, put the power cord back in and try again to turn it on, take out the battery then try turning it on again, whisper sweet nothing to the computer and try turning it on, then I resort to calling my computer names and maybe saying a few curse words before trying again! The only thing that works to get it on when it does this is time. I sit around and wait an hour or so and it will usually turn back on.

Such was not the case on Wednesday night. We had used my laptop to watch a few Netflix movies and when we were done I closed everything out, closed the screen down and put my computer in the cabinet we keep it in. Later that night I took the computer out to do some stuff. I tried turning it on and nothing! Rob noticed the power cord wasn't all the way plugged in so we thought maybe it was just a dead battery. We let it charge for a little bit and still nothing. Eventually the blue power light would come on when we pushed the power button but the screen stayed blank. Now, the screen will not turn on, the computer appears to be turning on but not the screen. Rob thinks maybe there is an issue with the fan since the computer was getting really, really hot. Maybe he's right but I don't get why the screen isn't coming on!!

So, for now I am computer-less. I am using Rob's computer to type this post and I hate his computer. I don't plan on using it very much because my computer is better! My computer has my whole life on it, all of our important documents, school stuff, all of our photos for the last 2 years, EVERYTHING is on that little rectangle. I need it to work!

I hope everyone has a great weekend and I hope to be back up and running soon!!!

**if you miss me, you can follow me on Instagram or Facebook (because I can easily post to both of those places with my cell phone!)


  1. that sucks! i would hate that too....well good luck

    1. Thanks! I'm hoping it's something simple that my husband can fix!!

  2. My Macbook Air did that too. Two years ago. I still haven't managed to get someone to fix it either, but only because we never have the extra money to do it. :( I hear you though. I had videos of the kids, and tons of pictures, as well as important life documents. So, I still have it sitting in a safe place in hope that one day it will turn on enough for me to recover my precious things. Best of luck! :)


    1. We never have any extra money for things like this either that is why I'm really hoping my husband and friend can figure it out and fix it cheaply!! My husband knows a little bit about computers and our friend in California owns a small computer repair business so I'm hoping between the two of them they can figure out the issue and come up with a way to fix it!

  3. Oh bummer! I hope you had everything backed up on a flash drive or something.
    It sounds like it may be the fan though and I hope y'all get it running soon.
    My laptop did the same thing last summer, it would turn on but the screen would never load. My hard drive died and I didn't have my stuff backed up and I lost everything. A year's worth of photo's gone. I cried.

    Good luck.

    1. I will probably cry too if I can't get anything off my computer! I don't have anything backed up, I always assumed my husband's computer would be the one to break since it's old and mine is only almost 2 years old! :( Our youngest is 2 1/2 so almost her whole life of photos is on that thing.

      We took it apart last night and the fan is working. Our friend thinks maybe the motherboard is fried. He says it's cheaper to get a new computer usually than having the issue repaired. I think we're going to try to take it in somewhere in a few weeks and see what is really wrong and figure out where to go from there. I wish we had the money to take it in right now because I feel so sad not knowing what will happen to all my stuff!!

  4. Oh no! I got the blue screen of death once. It was sad. Sorry this happened bloggy friend.

    1. We had that happen to one of our old desktop computers four or five years ago, we lost all of Alice's baby pictures on that one! I really hope to at least recover my photos from my laptop because I think it would be pretty sad to only have baby photos of my two older kids!

  5. oh no i hope that it gets fixed up soon!


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