Friday, March 1, 2013

Flashback Friday: Incubus

This is probably going to be my last Flashback Friday until we get our stuff out of storage so I can find some really old photos!

One benefit to living in Southern California is a lot of cool things happen out there and a lot of awesome bands call the state home. In July of 2011 Incubus (my favorite band EVER, since I was about 17, don't judge!) was gearing up to release their album, If Not Now When? and embark on a tour to promote the new album. In preparation for their tour, the band set up a rehearsal studio in L.A. and opened it up to fans. In order to stop by fans had to reserve a time slot online. So, I did that for Rob and myself.

It was a long, hot, stand-around-and-wait kind of day but it was totally worth it in the end because we were able to attend the private concert by the band that night! There were only a few hundred people, if that and we were only about 20 feet away from the band. It was very intimate and completely awesome! After the rehearsal most of the band members stuck around to talk with and meet fans so we met a few of the guys which was also awesome!!

Brandon Boyd

Incubus HQ Live
good music
Me and the Hubs
Brandon Boyd of Incubus
Jose Pasillas
This is the drummer, Jose Pasillas. He's short and I felt weird standing next to him
Ben Kenney
Ben Kenney, bass player for the band
DJ Kilmore
DJ Chris Kilmore

Here are a few videos from our concert (I didn't film these):

Watching these videos makes me happy!!


  1. How neat that you got to do a meet & greet!

    I like the pics. :)

    I'm visiting today from Fun Friday.

  2. Following from Harvest of Friends Weekend Blog Hop. So cool that you got to meet some of the band members and how great of them to take pictures with fans! Some great memories there!

    1. Glad to have you following! It was definitely a fun experience and I am glad we were able to go.

  3. Very cool!! I miss living in Cali for this very reason, but New Jersey isn't too bad :)But growing up in Orange County can never compare to anywhere else!



    1. California definitely has it's perks and Orange County is pretty awesome!

  4. Hi there! I have ventured over from the hop. I'm enjoying this little peak into your world! Just lovely! XOXO, Mandi @ All My Happy Endings

  5. hi there. meet and greet is always fun. the best actually. up close and personal. glad you enjoyed yourself. have a great weekend

    1. It was definitely worth the hours we waited and all the sweating I did! :) Thanks for visiting. Hope you have a great weekend as well.

  6. Aaww...For some reason the page isn't loading all the way, so I can't see the photos. But I wanted to invite you to Meet & Greet, live for the weekend. Hope you'll have time to swing by and link up!

    1. Well that's annoying that the photos won't load! I will be heading your way shortly!

  7. That is so awesome! what a cool flashback!! I saw them open for Linkin Park this fall. I love the pic of you and Hubs too;)

    1. I wanted to see them with Linkin Park, they were playing in San Diego and L.A. and I would have been happy to go to either place but we didn't go. I think my husband couldn't get days off work or something, since that would be the only justifiable reason for missing it!! :)

      That picture of us is the result of standing out in the July sun for hours and then sweating some more inside an un-air conditioned building for another few hours! lol


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