Saturday, March 2, 2013

Coca-Cola and I are breaking up

A few days ago I tried to give up my one true love, Coca-Cola, also known as Liquid Gold in this house (or RV but you get my drift). Our breakup lasted approximately 10 hours. I caved and had Rob grab a 12-pack on his way home from work! I'm trying again to end the relationship.

Today marks day two without any soda. It's kind of depressing. I've become so used to waking up in the morning, cracking open and ice cold can and watching some TV for a minute that it feels weird to do anything else. I've replaced my morning soda with hot tea. It's definitely not as awesome and is a lot more work so I hope I keep it up. Maybe Rob will finally buy us a Keurig (hint, hint, mister) because then I could make myself a steaming cup of delicious coffee in only a few seconds!!

The lack of gallons of caffeine is kicking my butt a little bit, I'm more tired than usual (which means I'm REALLY tired) and I have a headache.

P.S. Who knew Coca-Cola was made in Tennessee? I didn't. We were on the freeway a few days ago and I saw a truck that said something about Coca-Cola being made in Nashville. I tried to take a picture of the truck (to my family's embarrassment) but it came out really blurry so no picture of that for you guys. Bummer.

Have a great weekend, everyone. I'll be sitting here drinking my tea!

cup of hot tea


  1. I think I'm with ya. I think I'm on day 2. and I've had a head out I think now for 3 days. I think after day 3 its suppose to get better.

    I believe this is the 1st I've read your blog. not sure how I found you but I'm sure it's thru a blog hop.

    Hope you'll stop by mine.

    And dont worry I call myself a Coke head b/c I love coke so much. Heck I believe I did a video about a while back. LOL

    hope you're having a good Saturday despite the headaches and all.

    1. However you found me is fine with me :)

      I usually call it Coke but I didn't want people think I was a drug addict so I used the proper name. LOL

      I sure do hope the headaches go away after three days because it's killer! Have a great weekend!

  2. oh no! Ive tried breaking up with Coca- cola too many times and I always fall back in to old habits. We are just soul mates oh well.

    1. I've also tried many times to break up with Coke only to always go back. I've lost count but I think this is probably the fifth time I've tried in about 10 years.

  3. Stopping by from Harvest of Friends up soft drinks is hard! I gave all carbonation up all four years of high school! I drink it every now and then now but I am addicted to coffee! Can't go a morning without it!! I live in Nashville and although I would love for Coke to be made here, it's actually made in Atlanta, GA! There is a huge Coke museum down there!! You should totally go!

    1. Thanks for clearing that up. Now I feel more confused though since I swear that truck said something about Coca-Cola and Nashville. Must be a warehouse here or something. I definitely want to go to Atlanta and see the museum! Thanks for stopping by.

  4. Oh goodness I feel your pain! I broke up with Coca-Cola about 3 weeks ago. It does get easier but I still miss the taste and feel of that ice cold bubbly yumminess.

    1. I hope I can make it to three weeks! I'm at four days right now and it's probably the longest I've stuck to it in a long time! I do miss the ice cold bubbly yumminess, too! :)

  5. I tried to give up coffee for a whole 24 hrs and thought I was going to DIE!!
    Hope your doing well on your challenge!

    1. I love coffee, too. I just don't drink it as often as Coke.

  6. I am quite addicted to Coke Zero. That's my morning, afternoon and evening drink! I can't help it, I don't like coffee or tea so I need some form of caffeine! I tried giving it up but it lasted only a week and I was DYING!! I just finished off my last 2liter so I know this afternoon is going to be rough.... Good Luck!!! I hope to get rid of this addiction someday.

    1. That's my routine with regular Coke. I wish I could drink diet soda but the artificial sweeteners give me terrible headaches. I will probably drink some soda today. I'm just too weak to resist. :)

  7. My husband used to drink 3-5 sodas a day. We were doing this 60 day challenge thing and he had to give up soda for it. He went 47 days. I have to say it wasnt' that bad for him. And when he gave in on day 47, he really enjoyed that soda. He had one. That was it. Then he went another several days. Had one but didn't finish it. So far he has gone back to having one every other day. Not bad.

    It will get easier. Drinking just water is boring. I drink a cup of coffee each morning- you know hwo I feel about my Keurig. But it's water the rest of the day. iced tea sometimes. I know it's a big change but if you want to stop for healthy reasons, push through the tough part. if you are quitting because you think you" should" I say you don't have to. If you want to cut back on the number of sodas, that's a good way to go about it. But taking away something you really enjoy (unless you have to per doctor's orders or something) sucks. So maybe limit it, but dont' get rid of it. Just my thoughts.

    1. I had some soda yesterday, but I didn't go crazy like I usually do, in the past if I had one Coke, I would drink 4 or more that day. I had a few small glasses yesterday and didn't crave more. I don't have any desire for soda today and I don't have a killer headache so I'm hoping the urge to guzzle 2 gallons at a time will pass.

      I have noticed though, that I am craving sweets like crazy without all the sugar I was getting from soda. I have been eating candy the past few days and I hardly ever eat candy. I hope I don't start replacing my soda with a bunch of sugary sweets!!


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