Thursday, March 14, 2013

Centennial Park

Last weekend we went down to Centennial Park in Nashville. The park is huge. There are plenty of grassy areas for picnics or playing catch, there's a pond and gardens, as well. The park has a playground area and a cafe. There is a train engine and a military airplane in the park, too. The main attraction at Centennial Park though is the Parthenon. The Parthenon in Centennial Park is a full-scale replica of the Greek Parthenon. Inside the Centennial Parthenon is a full-scale replica of the Athena statue.
the girls at the parthenon
parthenon statuescentennial park
Nashville Parthenon
We didn't go inside and see Athena, we really wanted to but it was late in the day and we didn't feel like paying the admission fee. The girls were a little bit grumpy that day, too.

We ate lunch near the pond at a picnic table surrounded by trees. We watched the squirrels running up and down all the trees and eating scraps on the ground from the people there before us. We walked by the water for a little bit, long enough for a bird to poop on Gracie. Lucky for her, she was wearing Rob's jacket. After the pond we walked around the Parthenon. It is a gorgeous building. The girls thought it was hilarious that the statues were naked. We took the girls to the playground for a few minutes then saw the train and plane. C has become fascinated with trains so she loved seeing that huge one up close. While we were there we heard a real train and she kind of freaked out and ran, she thought that the train we were looking at was about to start moving. It was sad and cute at the same time!

The girls were eager to leave, because they were all grumpy, so we left after being there maybe an hour or so.
hungry squirrel
happy girl
mad daughter
So mad! This was a few minutes after being pooped on.
mad girl
A wasn't feeling well, she ran a lot right after eating and it gave her a tummy ache.
running from train
Pretending to run from the train. C just spotted the plane and was excited to go see it.

Even though my little kids had huge attitudes we had fun. I am glad we went because it would be a shame if we were to leave Tennessee without seeing it!


  1. Hi Jen Marie, I came her via the Friday blog hop. You have a really nice blog and this trip looks like a lot of fun. I'm looking forward to reading more of your blog and have followed you. If you'd like to check out my blog, it's at :)

    1. Thanks! I'm glad you stopped by.I will definitely check out your blog!

  2. What a fun trip! Love all the pictures! Thanks for stopping by my blog.


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