Thursday, February 21, 2013

Going back to blonde!

Hello, my name is Jen and I am addicted to hair dye! It all started back in 7th grade when I decided (at the suggestion of my friends) to dye my dark blondish hair a strawberry red. I liked the color and became hooked on changing my hair on a regular basis. Since that first time I have dyed my hair more times than I can count and more colors than I can possibly remember. I have had many color mishaps; green, pink, gray - but none of that has ever broken me of my addiction. It has only made it stronger! If I were to take all the money I have spent on hair coloring products over the years I am certain I could buy a small house! I will be dying my hair until the day I die and this addiction will never be cured!
I am itching to bleach my hair and I will be doing it as soon as I have a proper bathroom to do it in!! This has been my thing lately. I dye it brown thinking it will be less upkeep and easier on my hair, then after a few months I am sick of the dark hair and go back to blonde. It's a long, painful process and my hair probably hates me for constantly doing this to it. Since my hair is becoming more and more gray (a tear falls from my eyes) I have decided it's really not worth it to have brown hair, I don't like it as much as blonde and it is taking just as much work to keep it brown as it did to keep it blonde!

My ends are pretty damaged from the L'Oreal Wild Ombre I tried a few weeks ago so I will definitely have to cut a few inches off before I start the slow and agonizing process of going back to blonde. I am not looking forward to the days or orangey-yellow hair but it is what it is!

You know, life would be easier if my hair just grew out of my head blonde like it did when I was a kid!

Here are a few pictures from my most recent blonde days:

Blonde hair
The most recent blonde, around May 2012
blonde bob hairsytle
Don't remember the date of this one but we're at Disneyland. No older than a year or two because C was born.
Curled blonde hair
Not sure when this one is from but it's in the last two years because that's our old house
long blonde hair
This one is the oldest, we're at Sea World for G's 8th bday, so two years ago

And here are some photos I will be using for color and cut inspiration. The forth one is my favorite, but I don't think I'll go that short, I think I might go for something more like the first:

Wavy blonde hairstyle
Photo Source
Blonde wavy bob hairstyle
Photo Source
Jaime King short hair
Photo Source
Blonde short hair
Photo Source
Julianne Hough Short Hair
Photo Source
short blonde hairstyle
Photo Source


  1. You look lovely as a blonde! Can't wait to see it when you go back to being blonde!

    I'm your newest GFC follower from the Thumping Thursdays Hop :)

    1. I hope it comes out good when I do finally do it and I hope I don't go bald! :) Glad you stopped by.

  2. ME TOO! Not blonde, at least not today, but totally addicted to coloring my hair. My husband never knows who he's coming home too. :D

    1. My husband never knows either. Luckily he says he likes my hair dark and he likes it blonde so at least either way I'm good :)

  3. Just nominated your blog for a Liebster more here at

    1. Well, thank you. I'll definitely have to take a look at this :)

  4. Haha! I knew you were going to go blonde after you posted the old pics of you and your man and you talked about mising it! It's like I "know you" even though I don't "know you". We've been bloggy friends long enough, right? One of my college roommates told me she had no idea what her natural color was because seh had been dying it for so long. So our senior year we decided to let her grow it out for a few months just to check. After teh first month she said, "Oh my gosh I don't thik I've ever since this color!" It was hysterical.

    1. I'm just so predictable. Everyone can see right through me :)

      I learned how gray my hair was by letting it grow out a little bit, it was pretty depressing and I don't plan on ever seeing that again! My brother is five years younger than me and he's been gray for A LONG time, so I can thank my parents for the ugly gray hairs!

  5. The blonde hair on you looks good, I think go back :)

    BTW- am a new follower! Hope you can visit my blog too and follow if you like it:

    1. Thanks for visiting and thanks for the compliment. I will be heading your way now!

  6. You're a pretty blonde! Agreed, I like the length in the first photo. :)

    1. Thanks. I think my chubby face would look weird with super short hair so I definitely won't be going too short. I think the first one is good, and it would mean I'd only need to cut a few inches off my hair now.

  7. I know what you mean about being addicted to coloring your hair... I wish I could pull off blonde! I'm too pale though :( and my husband's ex-wife is blonde so that might be difficult for him lol I'd REALLY like to do pink but corporate America doesn't like pink hair.

    Found you on Bloggy Moms February Hop and following you :)
    The 5th Level of Motherhood

    1. I wish I could do red, my skin has red tones (or whatever) to it so whenever I try to go red I look weird. But, sadly I keep trying red too! I think this time I might actually stick to the blonde.

      It could be weird for your husband. LOL. Pink is cool. I'd love to put a hidden pink streak somewhere in my hair. When I was in high school I was doing to do some purple streaks but my mom didn't let me after some lady lectured her about letting me do it!


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