Thursday, January 3, 2013


I usually don’t make goals. I guess it’s because I’m too lazy to think about the things I want to accomplish. Or, maybe it’s because when I realize I’ve accomplished very little in life, I’ll feel depressed. Either way, I decided to put my goals out there in the world, in hopes that it will serve as encouragement to complete them!

So here they are:

Finish my bachelor’s degree, in the next six months. I have been working on my degree for far too long. There have been many ups and downs along the way and although I won’t finish with the degree I set out to complete the degree is still an accomplishment. I feel disappointed and a little embarrassed (for lack of a better word) that I won’t be finishing school with my teaching credential. I realize that it was pretty much impossible for me and changing my program was really my only option. That being said, I feel like I wasted years of my life on a degree that I feel is useless. I will finish though, and I can at least say that I have a bachelor’s degree in educational studies, even if the degree will never do anything else for my life. 

Learn graphic design. I have always had an interest in design and have wanted to learn graphic design for a long time. I don’t have a time frame for accomplishing this since at the time being I can’t afford any schooling in graphic design. I have looked into a few programs and the one I would like to enroll in is from The program is pricy (but not as pricy as others) so it will take time for me to save the money for tuition. I have also thought about teaching myself. I might try that, since I can’t afford proper training. I worry though, that if I buy the software and books I won’t have the motivation to learn it all. I tend to be lazy and I might start it but not finish. So, if I do decide to try it on my own, my goal will to not be lazy about learning!

Bake some decent treats! I dream of opening cupcake shops (among all the other “shops” I dream about opening) but the problem with this dream is I am a horrible baker. A bad, bad baker. I have tried too many times and each time my baked goods are pretty much disgusting. I have pretty much given up on making cupcakes because they turn out to be tiny, hard balls of death. Since I can’t make a decent cupcake I tried to make some biscuits, they seem easy enough. Ha, not for me. My biscuits come out the exact same way my cupcakes do, inedible! I will learn how to make cupcakes and biscuits this year! And, once I can make a tasty cupcake and biscuit I will learn to bake a pie. I don’t like pie but I just think it would be nice to say “yeah, I can bake the heck out of a pie!” My husband likes pies so he’ll be my taste-tester since I don’t eat fruit in any other form than its natural state!If anyone has tips or recipes, please send them my way!!

Learn to sew. Technically I can hem a pair of pants and sew on a button but I want to really know how to sew. I have a sewing machine, my mom bought it for me about 10 years ago and I have used it exactly once! I don’t even have it with me, I let my mom use it about four years ago and I never had a reason to ask for it back. I want to learn to sew using that sewing machine. Once I learn how to use that machine I’d like to buy a really good machine and pass down the older machine to the girls. It will take me awhile to learn to sew so I’ll give it a few years to really learn. I know nothing about sewing machines, but I've heard Singer is a good brand, I'd like this one.

Learn photography. One of the many things I’ve wanted to do in my life was to be a photographer. I realized a few years ago that I was horrible at taking pictures. I used to cut the heads off of people and just didn’t really do a good job. In order to take better pictures I should probably stop being lazy and read my camera’s manual. I have a small digital camera that Rob bought me a few years ago for Christmas. I love the camera but I dream about an awesome DLSR with many lenses, I have dreamed about a nice camera for years. This goal costs money too, so in the meantime I definitely need to learn to use the camera I have. Eventually I will be able to afford the camera of my dreams and then I’ll really dedicate myself to learning that sucker as soon as I get it! I also know nothing about cameras but I really like this one from Canon.

Well, most of my goals have to do with things I want to learn. I have always wanted to know how to do so many things. I hope that I really will accomplish all these goals and then I can brag about all the things I can do J

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