Wednesday, July 3, 2013

On a Break

I am posting this from my phone so I hope this works...
My parents are here for a week visiting. I will not be posting since I am spending all my time trying to convince them to move here. So far it's not working but I'm persistent so I'm not giving up!
We went on a walk and saw two young deer, my dad said "ok, we are living here" but I don't think my mom is convinced. Maybe fireworks will push her over.
Happy Fourth of July everyone. Stay safe!


  1. I'm trying to get my dad to move out here, so I understand :)

    1. I thought my dad would be the tough one to convince but it turns out it's my mom! :)

  2. awesome. hope you had a great trip and great 4th hun. miss hearing from you

    1. We are having a great time! I will be back around soon!!


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