Monday, February 18, 2013

Truth Tuesday: My Parents' House

My parents are trying to sell their house and it makes me sad. I haven't told them that I am sad and I know it is probably for the best but I will miss their house!

I didn't necessarily grow up there, my parents bought the place when I was 17 but they have owned it for about 15 years and I have a lot of memories there! We lived with them off and on for five years after getting married. Our wedding party was there, most of our kids were born while living there and our kids have spent tons of time with my mom and dad at that house.

I will miss the avocado trees, the fish pond, the lemon tree, the pomegranate tree and all the other fruit trees. I will miss the smell of the roses in the front yard. I will also playing games in the grass with everyone. I will miss holidays at their house and watching my dad and Rob light fireworks on Fourth of July.

I am also sad because L's best friend, also known as her BFSFL (best fake sister for life, for those not in the know!) lives two houses down from my parents. L has known H since kindergarten and they have been friends through all of our multiple moves. It's sad to think that we might not ever go back there and that we might not ever see H again, we all feel like she's a part of our family.

My parents have put so much work into their home. It was nothing like it is now when they bought it. They have built things, fixed things, added things, changed things and done so much to make it their house. They have had to start over in the house, after a fire in the garage that destroyed the garage and ruined everything they owned inside the house. They lost everything in that fire and spent months dealing with shoddy contractors and break-ins, just trying to rebuild their garage and repair the damage to their house so they could have a place to live again.

I hope my parents will be happy after they move and I hope everything works out perfectly for them. I think they haven't been happy in that house for a long time. It will be sad to know that strangers will be living in their house. I hope the people that buy it appreciate all the things my parents have done and I hope they don't touch all of the wonderful trees that my parents have planted.

My favorite avocado tree (of the three they have) is in the background!
We took the above picture on our last day in California. It is the last picture I have of my parents' house. It's also the last picture I have of my parents. I miss them very much! I miss their house, too. They have worked very hard to make their house perfect for them, it's a shame their neighborhood is going down the crapper. They don't know where they're going for sure when they do sell the house, maybe with my brother in Arizona or maybe (and hopefully) where ever we are. Or, maybe they will fall in love with somewhere else and end up there. Where ever they go, I hope they are as happy as humanly possible.


  1. It's always saddening to say goodbye to something so beloved. This house sounds so special, so I hope the new owners will take good care of it. Avocado tree!!! I'd love to have one of those in my backyard. =0)

    1. Thanks for the kind words. I do hope the new people appreciate everything my parents did.

      The avocado tree is the best thing ever! They actually have three at their house, one in the backyard and two in the front. When we were still living in California we were never in short supply of avocados.

  2. Gosh, I couldn't imagine my parents moving out of their house. That was their first house together and have been there for over 35 years. I can understand how you are feeling. I'm sure they will find a fantastic place.

    1. Oh and that In-n-Out burger sauce recipe is amazing. I lived in Cali for less than 2 years and only ate at In-n-Out about 5 times. Now I miss it desperately since moving to the midwest.

    2. I can't wait to try it. I've considered moving back to California just for the In-n-Out, not really but I do miss the tasty burgers. :)

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  4. Oh girl I hear ya! My parents sold the house I grew up in about 6.5 years ago. But for me, it wasn't that I had all my memories there. It was knowing that was the house they had when I had my first baby. I spent countless days there when my boy was a baby. when i just wanted out of the house and needed grown up contace. It was my refuge. And when our electricy went out in winter- yes it's only Southern California but when you've got a newborn it sure feels colder- that was the hosue we travled to in the middle of the night, the couch we slept on for 2 days, the place we sought refuge. I totally understand how you feel.
    P.S. I will say that my boy, now 9, doesn't remember the house and feels like Grandma and Grandpa's current house is the best house ever;) Know why? 'Cause that's where his grandparents live;)

    1. I totally know how cold Southern California can get!

      I think my kids have spent more time at my parents house than I ever did! As a teenager I wanted to be anywhere but home so I was always gone. As an adult we visited them a lot and my mom babysat my kids all the time! I lived with them while my husband was gone in the Navy, off and on too. The girls have a bunch of good memories there, but you are right, they will make new memories with my parents where ever they end up!

      My brother is in Arizona and now we are in Tennessee so they have no one left with them in California. I guess I feel guilty, like I abandoned them. They aren't sure where they want to move yet and I don't know if we'll be staying in Tennessee (mostly because of my HUGE fear of tornadoes) so I would feel even worse if they decided to move out here and then we leave. My brother also doesn't plan on staying in Arizona forever so if they move there, they risk him eventually leaving, too. I would love them closer to us though, since we miss them so much!

      It will all work out in the end, I know it but I can't help but worry about them!

  5. awww that would make me super sad also.

    i'm a new follower.

    1. It is definitely a bummer. I hope they are happy in their future new house!


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