Friday, February 15, 2013

Flashback Friday: Love Day Edition

Since it was Valentine's day I figured I'd share a few pictures from early in my relationship with Rob.

Please be advised these photos are horrible quality. They are the only two pictures I have on this computer from this time period. I am pretty sure someone took a photo of these and then put them on Facebook, not sure if it was me or my mom but I found them on this computer so I am going to use them!

This first one is a few days before we got married. Notice that Rob has a beer in his hand, even though he was not old enough to drink, hey he was getting married AND going to the NAVY in a few days, he should at least be able to have a beer before doing all that, right? He was 20 when we got married, I was 19. We didn't have a big wedding and we didn't really invite anyone. Rob didn't want to get dressed up so we wore some pretty lame clothes for our Vegas wedding.

This first photo is from the party we had at my parents' house before heading to Vegas. We didn't invite anyone to this either, none of my friends were there. Only my parents, their best friends, my brother, Rob's parents, his brother and his sister were there. We had our wedding cake that day. It was my favorite cake, white cake with white icing, made by my parents' friend who is an awesome cake decorator. She was one of the few people there. Oh, also, my parents' friends' kids were at this party too. They were little and now they are almost all grownups, one just joined the military. CRAZY!

Rob and I only knew each other for six months before getting married. I don't remember exactly how we decided to get married but we did. He gave me my engagement ring (that I don't have anymore) while sitting next to me on my mom's couch. I'm pretty sure his exact words were "here". Amazing story right, so romantic! We were young and I guess dumb.

P.S. I would like to be this tan and skinny again. I guess I should keep dreaming!

 This picture was taken in Chicago O'Hare airport. Rob had just graduated from Navy bootcamp and was on his way to his schooling. My mom and I were the only ones that were able to go to his graduation. It was an adventure getting there, let me tell you. But, luckily we made it in time to see him graduate and spend time with him before he had to leave. This was, hold on while I do the math, maybe two months after the first picture. I think. I'm not sure and I'm too lazy to really try to figure it out for you. The first picture should have been taken around the beginning of August 2000 and this bottom one should have been taken around October 2000. But, It's been a long time and I can't remember EVERYTHING!

So, there you go. Here's us. Back when we were younger, thinner, blonder (at least I was) and crazier. We have been through a lot over the last 12 years but I love him and I'm pretty sure he loves me too.

Another P.S. I will NEVER cut my hair that short again. Gosh, it's awful. But, I do miss being blonde!


  1. Thanks for visiting my Bloglovin' blog hop. Now following via Bloglovin, GFC, and Twitter.

  2. Oh my gosh I'm about 35 seconds away from crying or screaming!! I can NOT figure out how to get these stupid social icons!! Am I just stupid? Did you have trouble? I picked my color, downloaded the zip file, chose which icon I want, opened a Photobucket accoutn, but I can not figure out how to download the icon so i can get the code!!! Seriously going to cry in frustration!!

    1. I hope you've figured it out but if not here's a link with directions on how to do it. I used this one to figure it out because I was confused with it too!

  3. 12 years! Don't worry about the old pics, just enjoy the new moments. Here from the weekend blog hop, BB2U.

    1. Thanks for stopping by! I try to stay in the moment as much as I can :)

  4. Well you know what, sometimes there are no words for true love and its been 12 years, so it must have been right. ;) From what I've learned about love, it doesn't matter if you spend thousands of dollars on a wedding, or if you get married on the court houses steps just in front of family, love has nothing to do with money, and to be honest, I have seen couples spend thousands on a wedding and get divorced five years later, so sometimes the simple sweet love stories really are the best and the ones that last the longest! :)

    Stopping by from the weekend showcase!

    Heather from Mommy Only Has 2 Hands

    1. Thank you for the kind words! I do try to remember that our wedding isn't the most important part of our marriage, our life together is. And, quite a few of my husband's old Navy friends had big, extravagant weddings and most of those guys are divorced now, so I guess that part doesn't really matter. Maybe we'll renew our vows at the 20 year mark and have a huge party and "real" wedding attire. :)


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