Friday, February 8, 2013

Flashback Friday: 1980's Edition

It's Friday so that means it's time for old photos. This week I am sharing pictures of me when I was little. These beauties are courtesy of my mother. I think she originally posted them on her Facebook page and I stole them.

This first one is my favorite. It is of my grandma, me and my mom. I love it because I loved my grandma very much and miss her bunches also! I am pretty sure I was three or four in this picture. We lived with my grandma at the time. Shortly after we moved out of her house she died from cancer.

I was probably two or three in this picture, too. That boy in the back is my cousin, who may be the one that sucked his thumb all the way into adulthood???? That was our dog, Brandie. And, the arm holding our dog is either my dad or my mom's can't tell for sure.

This last one is a gem! Man, I was styling as a kid. Look at that outfit! Wow! Gotta love the sweatsuit with a belt. I wish you could see my feet because I'm pretty positive I'm wearing some jelly sandals. If you couldn't tell, I'm the kid in the middle. I don't remember any of the names of these kids but we played together when we were little, they all lived on our street. I was at least five in this picture, no older than seven.


  1. Hey there!
    I just wanted to pop over and thank you for joining us for our first "Linkin with the ladies" Thursday blog hop! I hope you met a few new ladies and gain some new followers. We had so much fun!
    Hope you can join us again next week!
    Thanks again,

    1. I love finding new blogs to read. So glad I participated.

  2. Adorable! I had a hard time picking a favorite. I loved the second one, because you have those cute baby cheeks that I love in little toddlers (you should have seen my son's cheeks!). The photo with your grandma is so sweet. It is nice that you got to spend time with her. And oh to love the track suit with a belt. I was a big jelly shoe girl myself. I had lots of jellies in many colors as well of course as my jelly Swatch Watch. ;) Have a great weekend!!!

    1. Yes, jellies were my love back then. I don't know how often I actually wore real shoes! I'm sure I was wearing my pink ones to match that amazing outfit. :)

  3. I love looking at old photos =)

    Corinne x


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